05 September, 2020

"Experts" and "Science"

Since when is any Government "expert" or alleged "Scientist" (see DD Eisenhower's farewell speech regarding the eclipsing of scientific curiosity by the intellectually dishonest quest for funding) competent to make sweeping recommendations, let alone edicts, that abrogate the liberty of a nation of Free People?

The leftists would have it that some bozo with a job-for-life as a specialized government employee should be slavishly obeyed by all of us, and the Hell with the consequences.  "If it saves one life..." and similar asinine nonsense.  Benthamite nonsense, the notion that the "best and the brightest" will gravitate toward mind numbing bureaucratic jobs where they will somehow do "the greatest good for the greatest number".  Jeremy Bentham is proven wrong daily by the stupid actions of people with a lot of arrogance and very little actual intellect or humility.

I would doubt the competence of Solomon himself to order me around and to interfere with my livelihood and my carrying out other responsibilities for my family and household.  Solomon was reputed to be incredibly wise, but at the bottom of the matter he was also King, and of course kings have the power to enforce their edicts regardless of whether they may be Solomon or Alfred E. Neuman.

The people of the United States fought a war against the greatest power on Earth at the time, the British Empire, for the right to live without a King.  Now, with typical hypocrisy and Projection, the fascist leftists who would love to be Kings label the people in our country who actually care about liberty, personal freedom and dignity as "fascists" and our President as a "king".

So tiresome, so predictable, and so absolutely disgusting.

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