14 August, 2020

Delivery System

So, as expected, Joe Biden's role in the final couple of months of the endless, and recently costume, drama inflicted upon all of us for the past four years will be to serve as the delivery system for an otherwise un-electable, arrogant, obnoxious leftist career politician.  The obvious intention is to get her into the Presidency just as soon as Joe can be declared unable to go the bathroom unaided.  Despite corrupt polls that hope to manipulate those with herd mentalities into voting for the "winning side", I think we have all had  more than enough of the democrat party's nonsense and I'll be delighted to see their arrogance rewarded by a total loss of power.  I will enjoy seeing people like Mr Comey march off to prison where he may worship his "higher power" than the Constitution he swore to uphold.

If, of course, these crooks do prevail, our country is basically screwed.  It will be interesting to learn what dirty tricks these oh-so-virtuous people have in mind for the next three months, in hopes of enslaving us all.

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