12 January, 2021

Do not infer...

Do not infer that we are imbeciles simply because we tolerate abuse up to a point.  Things like Social Media have assumed the status of Public Utilities whether or not they like it.  When a company with which I do business and upon which I become dependent in order to conduct mine unilaterally withdraws from contracts with me because it does not like my opinions ... or my religion or the color of my skin, same thing ... that company has assumed the power to ostracize or shun me.

Why stop there?

Why not cancel my cell phone account?  My electric power?  My water?  My net connectivity?  Why not command me to stay inside my domicile and not interact with other citizens (oops, forgot the "COVID Lockdowns").  What happens when the grocers in my town become "woke" and refuse to sell me food?

Certainly, when what was once my society declares me an "untouchable" for my thoughts, it is difficult for me to grasp why I should pay that society a cent in taxes.

Again, do not infer that we are imbeciles because we have tolerated this abuse.  If you interfere with my ability to live, support those dependent on me, and pay my bills, then it is not a figure of speech that you are my enemy.  You are most definitely my enemy.

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