29 November, 2018

The language we speak does in many ways affect the way in which we think.  For example, when using many of the world's languages, I must think about the gender of every object... or, in German, the third state of neuter.  Enter the Social Justice Warriors (SJW), who imagine that they are fighting bigotry by practicing an even greater bigotry: Defining who someone is by the constellation of identifiers the SJW approve.  So my race, my ethnicity, my disabilities, and any other things the SJW have chosen to classify as "markers" combine to define who I am, according to the SJW.  The SJW then propose to do away entirely with the English word Man (and derivatives, and with the pronouns associated with Men) and replace them with a detailed taxonomy to describe the large number of "genders" resulting when adopting this process of defining people by these constellations of "markers".  Because I was born male, grew up as a boy, and finally attained manhood with all of its obligations, I am now instructed by the SJW to refer to myself as a "cis-male", which now compels me to be aware of and constantly talk about people who are confused about their sexuality all the time.

I reject all of this bullshit for several reasons.  Firstly, I make my living with my brain and refuse to permit the SJW to invade my thought processes with their ideology.  Secondly, I have no problem with transgender people and treat them as exactly what they present before me; I believe this is as accepting as anyone can be.  I refuse to adopt a vocabulary requiring me to constantly think about how someone came to present as they do; in fact it is none of my business unless they wish to get in bed with me.  Thirdly, I believe that determining who someone is by his or her or its classifications and markers is the very definition of bigotry, is it not, and therefore an act of consummate hypocrisy on the part of the SJW who insist they are bigotry-phobic?

To me people are defined by what they do during their short time of life.  And it is indeed a very short time.  The only thing of real value people possess is a finite and unknown amount of precious, irreplaceable lifespan.  Why would any sane person wish to expend this finite resource telling other people what to do, how to live, when and how to breathe, and in this case how to speak and think, rather than actually doing something good and useful?

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