09 November, 2018

Cultural Appropriation

If "cultural appropriation" is to be forbidden us by the mind police, then damn it let's be consistent and inclusive about it.

Soap appears to have been a Babylonian invention more than 4000 years ago.  Among people living on earth, the inhabitants of Iraq are therefore entitled to wash their bodies, clothing, dishes and so on with soap.  Anyone else who lacks Babylonian roots is sinning by Cultural Appropriation and should be using sand or perhaps lilac blossoms instead.

On that subject, toilet paper was invented by Joseph Gayetty of the United States in 1857.  The rest of the world may wipe its asses with its left hand or commit the Sin of Cultural Appropriation.  Leaves might work as well, or the pages from old telephone books or printed catalogs if you can find one.  If all else fails, the pages of books written by the Mind Police themselves could come in handy.

The internal combustion engine is an invention of Europeans and Americans.  Those of other cultures sin by riding automobiles or motorcycles, with the possible exception of those rich enough to drive Teslas.  These appropriators should walk or ride bicycles except that bicycles are also a European invention, so get out there and hoof it, the rest of you.

Antibiotics are an European and American invention.  Those of other cultures sin by trying to stay alive through cultural appropriation.

Electronic digital computers are an European and American invention.  Those of other cultures may use the Abacus if they are Chinese, but they may not use sliderules because these too are European inventions.  And what do we say about Egyptian Music Videos?

I find it offensively stupid that the mind police (those who attempt to control thought through controlling language and other forms of self expression) have convinced presumptively intelligent, or at least "educated", people such as college faculty members that it is somehow evil for me to make a dough of masa flour, press it into a tortilla, and throw it in a frying pan to make and subsequently eat my very own taco on the grounds that such an act is "Cultural Appropriation", when people from all the third world shit holes on this planet are perfectly golden when appropriating all the civilization enhancing inventions of Western Culture.

The consistent application of this particular form of Political Correctness would, incidentally, implement and enforce a real, rather than imagined, form of  Western Culture Privilege.

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