01 July, 2022

Projection is a pandemic

 Xi demonstrates that he is every bit as good at projection as are American leftists.  It is he, after all, who has destabilized Hong Kong in breaking Communist China's promises to the world in general and to the Hong Kongers in particular.  Yet he blames Hong Kongers for "destabilizing" their own homeland by resisting or at least dissenting in opposition to his breach of promise in subjugating them.  My heart aches for the poor bastards.

If there is anything the American left should boycott and divest, it would be the CCP tyrants, the businesses they own, and the places they infest.  But of course they will never do that; the American left salivates over a quick buck without any evidence of moral guidance.  And, of course, the American left projects its atrocious venality upon its opponents, we who simply love liberty and wish to be left alone while we buy locally produced goods in preference to those made by the tyrants and their slaves.

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