07 July, 2021

About my flag hoist, Independence Day 2021

This year, from the third floor, I flew the US Ensign that had been used in my Father's funeral.  It was a nice big one, desgned to cover a sarcophagus.  From the bedroom windows below flew a Gadsden flag, memorializing the Revolution establishing our independence from the British empire of King George III; the Gonzales flag, memorializing the struggle by Texans to be independent of (actually to secede from) Mexico; and the Confederate Battle Flag, memorializing the effort by the Confederacy to exist unmolested by the central government of the United States by seceding therefrom.  This effort led to a war, started by the North, which the South certainly did not want (and whose consequences led to the rape of the Sioux and the theft of the Black Hills, another story).

To anyone who objects to my daring to display the Confederate Battle Flag, I reply that half of my heritage is Southern, as is most of the heritage of my girl Debbie.  Given that during the war between the states, people to whom we were related fought honoring that flag, and had civilian relatives who were raped and murdered, black or white, by the conscripted (enslaved, read the UCMJ) soldiers of the Union, I assert that I have every bit as much right to memorialize those fine people as does anyone else, regardless of skin color, to memorialize people to whom they might have been related and who lived during the middle years of the 19th century.

The erasure of history and heritage that is stylish in this year of 2021 among the leftists is merely an obnoxious display of fascist totalitarianism (look at the Roman Fasces, Mussolini's symbol for God's sake, flanking Nancy Pelosi's "sacred" podium in our House of Representatives, to gain insight about who the Fascists actually are in this sadly troubled year).  This display must be resisted by anyone who is actually anti-fascist, or we will be forgetting the excellent advice of Rabbi Aaron Zelman, founder of JPFO, who asserted "NEVER AGAIN!"

06 July, 2021

"Reforming" Police and Military of the US

A couple of decades ago in the late 1990s, I observed that many of the goals of the leftists in our country would require their suborning our police and military to subjugate we citizens.  At that time, our police were men and women of Honor who loved our country and its culture, and our military was largely composed of our Brothers and our Sons.  None of these people would be inclined to use deadly force against our citizens; indeed, they would be more likely to wield it against the bastards who gave them such orders.  It seemed to me that, in order to achieve their goals, the leftists would have to replace our police and soldiers with gang bangers, thus making a new force that would cheerfully deploy arms and explosives against us, while also creating a "full employment" program for the gang bangers who, while not remotely interested in "education" so they could get nice jobs that would pay far less than what they were doing before, would easily be tempted by the opportunity to loot after killing.  I was mystified that the left was not doing this.

Fast forward 20 years.  Observe the "defunding" of the police and the purging from our military of men who do not display sufficient submission to the leftist line.  Soon it will be noticed that both are short handed.  Perhaps finally the time has come when the leftists will solve that "crisis" by filling the ranks of our "protectors" with amoral predators.

The Chinese Curse has of course been lurking in the wings all along; if the left makes the grave error of unleashing violent criminals on us under color of law, the left will quickly learn that it cannot control these predators who will eventually come after them. l hope to survive long enough to see that happen if they do this.

05 July, 2021

"The Swamp", also known as "The Deep State"

Contrasts are often instructive.  For example, Donald Trump was still unable to get much of the central government bureaucracy to follow his instructions; this makes his late executive order extending his authority to dismiss employees a little bit farther down the ladder most understandable.  We court martial soldiers for insubordination but bureaucrats are some how special and scum like Lois Lerner can pretty much do as they please without concern about prosecution for violating citizens' civil rights.

Compare this with the rapidity of the bureaucracy's adoption of what we call, with tongues in cheeks, "Biden's" agenda.  Now we have a sign identifying a "free speech zone" on the trail from parking to viewing area at Mt Rushmore.  Now we have the feds efficiently arranging for the transportation of many thousands of illegal aliens from the Mexican border to the interior of the US.  No insubordination here, no sir.

Is this because Biden is by comparison a magnificent leader?  No.  I sure would not follow him into battle, and if you choose to I will sit over here and watch.

The reason is simple to understand, and is the point behind the Democrat intent to make DC a state.  The Federal bureaucracy is by its nature an arm of the Democrat party, and by the current rules it is inviolate.  Every time a Democrat president, such as Obama, "creates jobs" by calling for another few hundred thousand Federal bureaucrats to be hired, he's created a few hundred thousand permanent Federal employees who in general have jobs for life, are un-firable, and will receive the best retirement and best health care in the Nation without having to set aside anything themselves to pay for these things.

This OPM data from 2020 indicate that the number of on-board Federal civilian employees was 2.18 million.  This cadre has demonstrated its insubordination to administrations that are "conservative" and especially to administrations that "put America first", while that cadre is right now demonstrating its enthusiastic support for a leftist administration, complying in record time with the implementation of its agenda.

I propose that the next time we have a President who is not a Democrat, we begin solving this problem by summarily dismissing 10% (218,000 in 2020) of the top echelons of all parts of the Federal bureaucracy.  Reason for the dismissal?  The same reason that was given for dismissing me from active duty in the Navy in 1970:  "The Convenience of the Government."  No re-hiring need be permitted, any of us who have worked with Federal employees generally agree that we have never encountered a lazier and less competent workforce; there is a reason why most of us affectionately called them "civil serpents".  Those who are left will be encouraged to actually do their jobs.

At the end of one year, if the President's instructions are not being immediately and efficiently implemented by this bureaucracy, another 10% would be dismissed.  And so on, until insubordination has ceased.

For many years, especially the past five, and more especially the past year and a half, the Federal bureaucrats have behaved as though they actually "ran" the nation, as though they could do as they please (see Anthony Fauci for example), and as though they are untouchable.  The Benthamite "best and brightest" to whom all should defer without question.  This is "the swamp"; this is "the deep state".  It is real, these bureaucrats are literally beyond control of the people or of their elected officers, and as we have seen they face no consequences for abusing the power we have mistakenly given them.

Let them face the same consequences the rest of us must face when we get too big for our britches.  Protecting them from these simply leads to amplification of the unacceptable behavior.

26 February, 2021

A Strangely Aligned Moral Compass

Our brilliant President has apparently no problem with his administration's punishing a friendly state (Saudi Arabia), and making public accusations against its next likely head of state, over the killing of one reporter.

Meanwhile, he also has no problem with kissing the ass of a nation that has killed tens of millions of its own people, that has a huge cultural group in concentration camps, that is known to murder people to harvest their organs for transplantation, that has broken its word in relation to subjugating the people of Hong Kong along with the "detention" of reporters it disapproves of, and that threatens a shooting war with the people of Taiwan, who fled the mainland many years ago to escape the depredations of the Chinese Communist Party and live lives of liberty, if those people should dare wish to continue living as free men and women.  Resistance is futile, they shall be Assimilated.

The crimes of the Saudis must be publicly aired, blathered about, and punished.  These are affronts to human rights and we think they are everyone's business.

But the crimes of the Chinese Communists are just a matter of different cultural norms that are really none of our business, and it would be "misinformation" to acknowledge these, or any of their other evils.  These are internal matters of a sovereign state and we think they are none of our business.

It appears this administration is too busy implementing Marxist policies at home to notice, publicly, what the poor bastards who live under the heels of Marxists are having done to them.  I suppose Nazi Germany would also be excused as simply having different cultural norms that are none of our business either.

12 January, 2021

Do not infer...

Do not infer that we are imbeciles simply because we tolerate abuse up to a point.  Things like Social Media have assumed the status of Public Utilities whether or not they like it.  When a company with which I do business and upon which I become dependent in order to conduct mine unilaterally withdraws from contracts with me because it does not like my opinions ... or my religion or the color of my skin, same thing ... that company has assumed the power to ostracize or shun me.

Why stop there?

Why not cancel my cell phone account?  My electric power?  My water?  My net connectivity?  Why not command me to stay inside my domicile and not interact with other citizens (oops, forgot the "COVID Lockdowns").  What happens when the grocers in my town become "woke" and refuse to sell me food?

Certainly, when what was once my society declares me an "untouchable" for my thoughts, it is difficult for me to grasp why I should pay that society a cent in taxes.

Again, do not infer that we are imbeciles because we have tolerated this abuse.  If you interfere with my ability to live, support those dependent on me, and pay my bills, then it is not a figure of speech that you are my enemy.  You are most definitely my enemy.