24 October, 2018

European Union GDPR Bullshit

The EU, which somehow claims jurisdiction over what I post on this platform, also claims the power to compel me to do things.  I of course respond here and now to inform the European Union that my ancestors declared independence from the British Crown and created the United States precisely because the sort of imperious, absentee proclamations now made by the EU bureaucrats upon people to whom they are not accountable were intolerable, as it still are.  So, to the EU, shove your proclamations up your collective asses.

However, this platform is provided by Google.  That company, like other treasonous American companies, has demonstrated its submissiveness by willingly acting as an arm of the Communist Chinese government in promoting its propaganda, censoring what its unfortunate citizens read, and aiding that government in its surveillance efforts, among other things.  Therefore, to continue using this platform, Google demands that we post the following nonsense.  Also, to avoid being fined a King's ransom by the EU which still believes in Kings, I will declare here and now that I collect no personal information from or about anyone using this blog, nor do I wish to; therefore, there is nothing for me to delete, and any requests will be ignored.

===============   mandatory bullshit  ===============

"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
The notice lets visitors know about Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies on your blog, including Google Analytics and AdSense cookies. Learn about Google’s privacy practices and how Google uses data on partner sites.

=================   end of bullshit  ================

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