26 March, 2019

To Hell with the Consent of the Governed???

I am given to understand from the public pronouncements of leftist politicians, as well as from many of my leftist acquaintances, that the leftists believe that by achieving one or more legislative majorities, and by other majoritarian measures such as circumvention of the Electoral College or as packing of the Supreme Court, they will be able to give our Nation a "new system" for which they have been waiting since ... well, since the early 20th Century.

To these leftists, there is no difference between reducing the taxes stolen from productive citizens and compelling those citizens, at gunpoint, to do things they do not wish to do.  In this belief they are planning to play with fire.  Recall what our forefathers wrote almost 250 years ago:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 
The various plans of the leftists ... such as gun registration, followed naturally by confiscation, crippling taxation, confiscation of privately owned gasoline powered automobiles, forced remodeling of homes and other businesses, compelling citizens to allow government bureaucrats to decide what medical services they may and may not receive, et cetera et cetera et cetera ad nauseam ... have no place for "the consent of the governed."

My happiness is derived from my liberty.  I have a limited lifespan and very much enjoy the power to make my own decisions about how to expend that crucial and very personal resource.

Anyone who believes that having achieved a majority allows them to rape and pillage the rest of the productive citizens of our Nation risks awakening much more than a sleeping giant.  I sincerely hope the leftists do not attempt this, but plans like the "Green New Deal" will if enacted awaken not only giants but Gods and Demons.  I hope my kids don't have to live through a revolution, especially not one born of the illiberal, fascist wet-dreams of the authoritarian and despotic left.

Wise up, fools, before you ignite something you cannot extinguish.

24 February, 2019

Well, here we are in 2019.  Shortly after the Election in 2016, I wrote the following:
It remains now to see if all the people we have elected will have the courage carry the mandate we have given them and correct the many excesses put in place by the statists over the years.  They will surely be called bad names such as "partisan" but I hope they will remember that we people who elected them have been called far worse names for many years, especially so recently.  We have given them a mandate; now it is their duty to earn the powers we have given them by respecting our earnest wishes, for a renaissance of Liberty.  God give them that courage.
My conclusion, after watching the nonsense in both the House and Senate, was that God had indeed failed to give them courage.  Some regulations were relaxed, mostly by executive action, and a very welcome tax reduction was passed.  But "Obamacare" was not repealed even though, as has been pointed out, without the "mandate" it is unconstitutional.  Remember that our "conservative" Chief Justice saved the entire law from the dung heap by proclaiming that the whole law was a "Tax" based on the "mandate" and therefore within the legislative power of Congress.  So it is now an unconstitutional usurpation of power by the democrat Congress of in 2010, essentially supplanting a competitive field of private industry and replacing it with another huge Federal bureaucracy ruling over a much smaller field of private companies whose offerings are now limited and prescribed, and whose policies may only be purchased during certain time windows, and, worst of all, which has dramatically increased the cost of medical care for all consumers while imposing deductibles that are beyond the means of even many middle class families.  Yet even under these conditions our fully Republican Congress and President could not muster the courage to call an end to a horrible idea.

At the same time these "courageous" folks (see the female Senators from Maine and Alaska) did not see fit to reduce the amount of unconstitutional infringement on our rights affirmed in the first, second, fifth and other amendments.  Indeed, they and even our President have done the opposite, by giving lip service to further infringements on our rights of free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, and due process of law, among others.  Surely they have studied enough of history to understand that people without these rights are serfs or slaves.

Now we have a House of Representatives which seems hell bent to have a show-down on those latter infringements.  All of them are on their way to the Senate or shortly will be.  And will our Senate have the courage to simply say "nice try, but no deal?"

I fear not.  In my State of Wyoming, it is very difficult to be elected to any office in most counties by identifying as a Democrat, so the candidates tend to identify as Republicans so that they can be elected.  These people, like my own State Senator whose last name is Pappas, routinely vote in ways that any leftist would love, for example co-sponsoring a bill this year called "National Retail Fairness" but whose only effect would be to create a state business income tax.  This man is a "RINO" and as I watched the debate in our Senate this year it was pretty clear that we have a disturbing number of RINOs in that institution as well.

So it will be illuminating to find out exactly who votes in what way on these forthcoming anti-liberty bills from the House.  I plan to contribute what I can afford to the opponent of each of those who votes in favor of national gun registration, red-flag laws, or any other illiberal crap that the newly democrat House produces.  I do hope I am wrong and that none of this becomes law, but the last two years argue otherwise.