20 November, 2016

Yet More Boundless Arrogance

For the past eleven days the bigoted, statist "wanna-be" tyrants styling themselves as "Progressives" in my country, and some of its alleged "conservatives", have been insisting that the results of our elections on 8 November were due to some failure by their Presidential candidate to issue the correct propaganda at the correct moment, as though this were some sort of mistake in "narrative" (propaganda) formation.  It is presumed that, while we sovereign people of this Nation are allowed to vote, our votes are determined entirely by the skill with which we can be manipulated by campaigns costing more than the GDP of some nations.

I find this incredibly insulting.  It is presumed by the arrogant Statists of both parties and of their cheerleading media that we voters do not think.  I look at the book case to my left and coming immediately to my eye are copies of the Gun Control Act of 1968, and of the JPFO booklet comparing this text with that of the Nazi gun control laws that the elder Democrat Senator Dodd had translated by the Library of Congress and used as source material in drafting that Act.  Beside it there happens to be a copy of the Report on the Death of Vincent W. Foster, Jr, by the office of Independent Counsel, as well as the separate Appendix containing testimony and evidence that contradicted said Report, all dated 1997, and underneath that is a very thick document "Report of the Department of the Treasury on the BATF Investigation of Vernon Wayne Howell, AKA David Koresh" dated 1993.  Many other books and papers are nearby, documenting the evils committed by these Statists over the period of my adult life, which after all began by my being personally forced to serve during a period of military draft for a war in Viet Nam, a war into which we were brought by statist democrats after our own clandestine services had helped put our opponent in power, and a draft introduced into legitimacy in the US during the administration of another statist (Abraham Lincoln).

It appears that these statists believe people like me have slept through our adult lives, oblivious to the events taking place around us, voting as the most skillful propagandists on Television have manipulated us to; that we do not read source documents, that we do not have any principles, and that we can be bought and paid for by pennies dispensed back to us after dollars have been stolen from us.  We do not think, we do not reason, we do not care so long as we are fed and entertained.

As is the case with most of what this crowd puts out, this propaganda is also a pack of lies and I will  not make the mistake of assuming the Statists to be stupid or error-prone.  They are deadly serious and absolutely skillful in their propagandizing.  Nevertheless, what has actually happened is that the people of this nation ... myself included ... do not want what they are selling.  This is true not only of the presidential candidate who was ignominiously defeated, but also of most levels of governance at which our preferences were asked.  Even my own state representative, formerly the floor leader of the progressive democrat party in this State, is now back to being an attorney.

I read in the Wall Street Journal that these progressives are now saying that their big mistake was not to steal more from us and toss more pennies to the serfs.  To Hell with them; this is precisely one of many things that most of us in most of the States have rejected at every level.

It remains now to see if all the people we have elected will have the courage carry the mandate we have given them and correct the many excesses put in place by the statists over the years.  They will surely be called bad names such as "partisan" but I hope they will remember that we people who elected them have been called far worse names for many years, especially so recently.  We have given them a mandate; now it is their duty to earn the powers we have given them by respecting our earnest wishes, for a renaissance of Liberty.  God give them that courage.

31 January, 2016

Slave Labor

I have just spent 2.5 hours of precious, irreplaceable lifespan preparing, printing, mailing and e-filing 1099s for two small companies.  I consider this Slave Labor.

My rationale is that this labor is compulsory; if I refuse to do it or resist, I will be fined, imprisoned, maimed or killed.  I certainly call that compulsory, not voluntary.  Compulsory labor without compensation is by definition the labor of a slave.

Supposedly the United States of America is the Land of Liberty, and supposedly our tax system is voluntary.  What egregious doublespeak(TM) in both cases!