26 January, 2015

Boundless Arrogance

In yet another example of his wanton disregard for the limited powers our citizens and States reluctantly granted to the US Central Government in its Constitution, the man occupying the office of President has commanded the FCC (a supposedly independent agency) to place the entire Internet under the Title II regulations in the 1934 Communications Act.

Despite Al Gore's asinine claims to the contrary, the Internet was not designed by a politician and the Commercial Internet was created largely by fiat of UUNet Technologies, a private corporation and the first entity as far as I was aware to offer National IP routing services to everyone who had previously been excluded from use of the ARPA Internet by government regulations.

This unconstitutional grab for power by the chief of the executive branch of the US Federal Government is no less offensive to free people than is regulation of net content by the Chinese, and it should be resisted strenuously by anyone who values liberty.

It is ironic that this first effort to take control of the only *independent* source of mass-distributed information in the US is based on misapplication of a law passed in the same year as was another major law used ever since to justify infringement of fundamental rights (The National Firearms Act of 1934.)